Monday, December 28, 2009

result oh result

OMG! cam tk prcaya pun ada. 3.77, COPA for sure! target tercapai. hee my dreams come true. (: thanks ibu, thanks ayah, thanks korng2 yg byk bagi support and tolong ajar mber korng yg agak bengap ni. kejayaan yg tk berapa berjaya ni utk you'll semua. bestttt! happy! semua ada. first try yg mmg tk sia-sia. now, WORKHARD for the next next SEM. keep it up! *buktikan kau boleh berjaya macam orng lain jugak. be strong!* sir shahari, you owe me! hahaha :DDD at the same time, sedih utk mber2 jugak. tkpe la, korng da workhard kan, cuma bukan rezeki korng this time. yg penting setup new goals for next SEM. we struggle together! utk yg success tu congrats congrats congrats! sygg korng lebih-lebih. (:

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